Aviation-grade ADS-B network

Welcome to ADSB SUPPORT 


The ADSB SUPPORT network was established in 2019.

Improve aviation safety with accurate aircraft positioning

ADS-B technology improves aviation safety in several areas, by enhancing situational awareness for pilots, planners, and controllers, who can then make more efficient use of available airspace.

Meteorological institutes may also benefit from aircraft weather data to obtain more precise forecasts.

Within aviation, ADS-B is used to broadcast aircraft telemetry, that is picked up via terrestrial ground stations or satellite receivers. This enables airline operations and air traffic controller networks to track movements and accurately position aircraft in the air and on the ground, supplementing existing radar positioning systems. 

Antennas and receivers from ADSB SUPPORT

ADSB SUPPORT provides a secure aviation-grade “ADS-B Network” to aviation operations. Every aircraft with “ADS-B out” sends data about its position. This data is intercepted via ADSB SUPPORT antennas which are connected to our receivers. 

Depending on the placement of the antenna, there can be a big difference in the range an ADS-B receiver kit can receive signals from. Therefore, it is necessary to have receivers in several locations to ensure coverage over larger areas. At the same time, the altitude of the aircraft can impact the range of the ADS-B signal, which makes it important to be able to intercept signals from different altitudes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the ADS-B receiver transmit anything?

No. The ADS-B receiver does not transmit anything. It’s a passive receiver and (ADS-B) antenna, and only receives information from aircraft within reach.

Is the ADS-B information publicly available?

No. The information is not public. It’s only accessible to aircraft operators within the network. Hosts may access the local “Airport Watch” app.

Is ADS-B data secure?

The ADS-B network solution utilizes security levels comparable to other industry-standard security solutions. Public access to the network is impossible and data is delivered to a secure, redundant ADSB SUPPORT server. ADSB SUPPORT cooperates with hosts on any security-related issues.

Does it cost anything to be an ADS-B host?

No. If you are approved to be a host, we supply all the necessary equipment and ship it to you at no cost, wherever you are in the world.

Depending on the circumstances, we can even contribute to installation costs for mounting the antenna.

Who we are and what we do

ADSB SUPPORT receives data from aviation operations worldwide. Data is used for flight planning, flight tracking, and weather forecasting purposes, which is necessary for aircraft operators to plan, monitor, and track routes for their fleet.

Frequrntly asked questions

Are you already a host? Find answers to the most common questions regarding the installation of our receivers here. 

Guide for installation
Setup Guide

Follow these easy steps to install the ADSB Support’s antenna and receiver kit.

Guide for installation
Receiver Information

Made for short-range, high-precision flight tracking and accommodates the most optimal collection of terrestrial data.

Made for short-range, high-precision flight tracking and accommodates the most optimal collection of terrestrial data.

Contact us for help and support

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.